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Information about The Order: 1886 Limited Edition Code for PS4

What is the key for The Order: 1886 Limited Edition on PS4?

It is a key that will allow you to download the game The Order: 1886 Limited Edition on your PS4 from official download platforms.

What's the best price for buying the key of The Order: 1886 Limited Edition for PS4?

As of Tuesday 17/09/2024, in United States, the best price we have found in our selection of online stores that include the key for The Order: 1886 Limited Edition on PS4 is $54.99.Check out our recommendations!

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Purchase Information for The Order: 1886 Limited Edition Code on PS4

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    -44% €54.99

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In The Order: 1886 we are in an alternate history in which mysticism begins to give way to science and technology. We are part of a seasoned group known as The Order, which takes centuries to defend the City of London and humanity against the forces of hell. An ancient and powerful race of beings known as hybrids, grow in number and strength, and our only mission is to stop them. With what? Well, with a huge arsenal of weapons technology: The shotgun bow, termite rifle or telescope, are just some of the weapons you have. Enjoy an neovictoriano London film version, thanks to the potential of the Playstation 4 giving us the most fascinating immersion you've ever seen. This limited edition includes: The original game The Order: 1884 for PS4 and a Steelbook and Arsenal Pack Knights DLC including an alternate costume for Galahad and a variant of weapon that players can use during a single campaign player.

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