Compare prices and buy Tamarindos Freaking Dinner Key

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Information about Tamarindos Freaking Dinner Key for PC

What is the key for Tamarindos Freaking Dinner on PC?

It is a key that will allow you to download the game Tamarindos Freaking Dinner on your PC from official download platforms.

What's the best price for buying the key of Tamarindos Freaking Dinner for PC?

As of Friday 28/06/2024, in United States, the best price we have found in our selection of online stores that include the key for Tamarindos Freaking Dinner on PC is $2.17.Check out our recommendations!

Purchase Information for Tamarindos Freaking Dinner key on PC

Best Price
$2.17 Kinguin
Use 12GCDK to get a -12%
4 Deals
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Most Used Store
Steam comments
7 user reviews (7 Comments)
  • PC
  • Mac


  • OS *: Windows 7
  • INTEL CORE I5-8400 or AMD RYZEN 3 3300X
  • 12 GB RAM


  • OS *: Microsoft Windows 8, 10
  • INTEL CORE I7-8700K or AMD RYZEN 5 3600X
  • 16 GB RAM


  • Mac Os X Leopard
  • 1.5 GHz Core2Duo
  • 2 GB RAM
  • OpenGL 1.4 or better


  • Mac Os X Leopard
  • Dual Core 2.4 GHz
  • 4 GB RAM
  • OpenGL 1.4 or better



English**languages with full audio support

Available versions of the deals:

  • Steam Key (4)
    -90% €2.17

Filters and activation regions:

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Most used
Top Rated

Filters and activation regions:

Only official
With taxes

The cheapest prices of Tamarindos Freaking Dinner Key

Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 29%
Steam Key 4.3
Use 12GCDK to get a -12%
Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 24%
Steam Key 4.3
Use Gocdkeys12 to get a -12%
Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 24%
Steam Key 1.8
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Everything you need to know to buy Tamarindos Freaking Dinner for PC at the best price

Assuming we all know what digital versions of games are, which usually come in digital code, key or Steam Key format, let's highlight the 3 most interesting formats for buying Tamarindos Freaking Dinner for PC in digital format, although there may be others:

-Tamarindos Freaking Dinner Steam Account: This is an account that contains the game Tamarindos Freaking Dinner already installed. It's cheaper than the rest, but it may violate certain platform policies, and its activation process is not as straightforward as digital keys.

-Tamarindos Freaking Dinner Steam Key: It's a cd key that will allow us to activate Tamarindos Freaking Dinner on our Steam account. It's the most recommended digital version, for its price and ease of activation. If you want to know how to activate this format easily, you can visit our blog with the entire activation process for keys on Steam.

-Tamarindos Freaking Dinner Steam Gift: It's a URL that will activate Tamarindos Freaking Dinner on your account and leave everything ready for you to start downloading the game. It's a cheap format with very fast activation, but it has more problems than the other formats.

Our recommendation: Buy Tamarindos Freaking Dinner for PC in Key or digital code format!

Can I activate the STEAM Key of Tamarindos Freaking Dinner in my region?

Digital formats of games, and in this case for Tamarindos Freaking Dinner, often have different activation regions. Currently, at Gocdkeys, we differentiate 4 regions:

Global: Which means you can activate that game anywhere in the world.
EU: You can only activate that digital key in regions or countries within the European Union.
US: It's only possible to activate that code in North America.
UK: It's only possible to activate that key in the United Kingdom.

Our recommendation: Buy Tamarindos Freaking Dinner in your corresponding region or in Global if you prefer not to take risks!

Are all stores selling Tamarindos Freaking Dinner for PC reliable?

We have 13 years of experience in the digital gaming market and have always resolved any issues our users have had with any store. So, you should trust us, as we will respond to any problems that arise with any of the stores we list. Just contact us and we will help you.

Information about Tamarindos Freaking Dinner for PC

Meet Macario Macabro, the exorcist pizza chef whose destiny takes him to the Tagomagos Mansion, a dark and haunted place deep in MokingBird MilkyWay Heights 13. The mansion is the scene of the infamous dinner party hosted by the terrifying Countess Erzeweth Wtory of Walpurgis , also known as Aunt Watracios. However, dinner might not be Macario's pizza, but himself!

On this dark and stormy night, Macario has a race against time, with a cycle system inspired by Majora's Mask. He must learn the behaviors of the mansion's seven inhabitants and find a way to eliminate them before they devour him. He explores more than 50 rooms in the mansion, discovering useful items and unraveling the dark secrets it holds.

The story unfolds with dialogue and plots in the style of classic graphic adventures, as Macario fights demons and solves puzzles to survive. With multiple possible endings, each choice of Macario affects the outcome of this chilling story in the sinister old house full of cannibals.

Most common FAQs when buying PC games in digital format:

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Warning! This is an account format. Check in the store the activation process
This is the region where the game can be activated.

Global: Can be activated from anywhere in the world
This is the region where the game can be activated.

EU: Can only be activated within the European Union
This is the region where the game can be activated.

US: Can only be activated within the United States
This is the region where the game can be activated.

UK: Can only be activated if you are in the United Kingdom region
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