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Information about Gravity Rush 2 Code for PS4

What is the key for Gravity Rush 2 on PS4?

It is a key that will allow you to download the game Gravity Rush 2 on your PS4 from official download platforms.

What's the best price for buying the key of Gravity Rush 2 for PS4?

As of Wednesday 09/10/2024, in United States, the best price we have found in our selection of online stores that include the key for Gravity Rush 2 on PS4 is $11.60.Check out our recommendations!

Release date

Purchase Information for Gravity Rush 2 Code on PS4

Best Price
$11.60 Difmark
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6 Deals
Top Rated Store
Most Used Store
Users rating

Available versions of the deals:

  • All versions (6)
    -88% €11.60
  • Account icon Account (3)
    -22% €11.60
  • Physical icon Physical (3)
    -19% €80.00

Filters and activation regions:

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Top Rated

Filters and activation regions:

Only official
With taxes

The cheapest prices of Gravity Rush 2 PS4 Key

Region Global
account Account Account
Account 20%
Account 3.4
Use Gocdkeys to get a -14%
Region Global
account Account Account
Account 3%
Account 3.2
Use GOCDKEYS to get a -14%
Region Global
physical Physical Physical
Physical 15%
Physical 1.7
No code available
Region Global
physical Physical Physical
Physical 4%
Physical 1.6
No code available
Region Global
physical Physical Physical
Physical 12%
Physical 1.7
No code available
Region Global
account Account Account
Account 46%
Account 3.3
Use gocdkeys to get a -14%
Region Global
account Account Account
Account 20%
Account 3.4
Use Gocdkeys to get a -14%
Region Global
account Account Account
Account 3%
Account 3.2
Use GOCDKEYS to get a -14%
Region Global
physical Physical Physical
Physical 15%
Physical 1.7
No code available
Region Global
physical Physical Physical
Physical 4%
Physical 1.6
No code available
Region Global
physical Physical Physical
Physical 12%
Physical 1.7
No code available

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Gravity Rush 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game in which our character controlled gravity, being able to perform all type of acrobatics and attacks. This release will tell us a new story, in which our character, Kat, returns with his partner Raven and police officer Syd to investigate the strange gravitational waves that appear on Hekseville. The adventure begins when Kat is teleported by a thunderstorm to a remote mining village. At our disposal, we will have a huge arsenal of gravity-based attacks against new enemies, more powerful than ever. In addition, we will be free to explore the vast open world of this new delivery, almost 3 times larger than the first installment of Gravity Rush, full of dangers, secrets and missions that Kat can keep busy for hours. In addition, we will be able to compete against other players in the multiplayer mode, and in different game modes where we will must deploy all our skills, such as treasure hunting, mining events and challenge missions with time. Lovers of the first delivery will find in this second release much more action and adventures than before.

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Global: Can be activated from anywhere in the world
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EU: Can only be activated within the European Union
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US: Can only be activated within the United States
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UK: Can only be activated if you are in the United Kingdom region
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