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Information about Economic Conquest Key for PC

What is the key for Economic Conquest on PC?

It is a key that will allow you to download the game Economic Conquest on your PC from official download platforms.

What's the best price for buying the key of Economic Conquest for PC?

As of Wednesday 09/10/2024, in United States, the best price we have found in our selection of online stores that include the key for Economic Conquest on PC is $4.03.Check out our recommendations!

Release date

Purchase Information for Economic Conquest key on PC

Best Price
$4.03 Kinguin
Use 12GCDK to get a -12%
3 Deals
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  • OS *: Windows XP SP3
  • 2.0 GHz Dual Core Processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Integrated Graphics (512MB)
  • 100 MB available space


  • OS *: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
  • 2.4 GHz i5 Dual Core or equivalent
  • 2 GB RAM
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Radeon HD
  • 220 MB available space



Available versions of the deals:

  • Steam Key (3)
    -20% €4.03

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The cheapest prices of Economic Conquest Key

Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 46%
Steam Key 4.3
Use 12GCDK to get a -12%
Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 26%
Steam Key 2.9
Use 12GCDK to get a -12%
Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 28%
Steam Key 3.5
No code available
Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 46%
Steam Key 4.3
Use 12GCDK to get a -12%
Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 26%
Steam Key 2.9
Use 12GCDK to get a -12%
Region Global
steam-key Steam Key Steam Key
Steam Key 28%
Steam Key 3.5
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Economic Conquest is an administration and management game in which our main objective will be to control the economy and the global markets. In Economic Conquest, at the beginning of the game, we´ll must select one of the available start-up countries and then build our business. We will start being a humble trader, but gradually we will grow, we will be able to improve our business, we will expand to new countries and we will even be able to create a multinational that covers a great part of the world market. As we make a profit we will can invest them in improving our business, creating new strategies to enter new markets and organize our distribution channels to reach a growing public. One of the differences of this title with the rest of its kind is that in Economic Conquest the influence with the zones has a great importance. The whole system of influence will allow us to maximize benefits in certain areas, so we will must increase the influence by investing in ONGs or helping the population. Do not forget that like us, there will also be more entrepreneurs willing to eat the world, so competition will be brutal.

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EU: Can only be activated within the European Union
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US: Can only be activated within the United States
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UK: Can only be activated if you are in the United Kingdom region
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